
HomeFresh Foods Millet Banku Flour 2.2lbs

$ 8.99

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Discover the distinct nutritional qualities and earthy essence of HomeFresh Foods Millet Banku Flour 2.2lbs! Crafted from millet grains, this finely milled flour not only maintains its natural texture but also embodies its inherent richness, elevating your culinary creations.

Traditional Flavor

HomeFresh Foods Millet Banku Flour is a popular choice for making authentic African dishes. It is made with high-quality ingredients and captures the traditional flavors of African cuisine. This ensures that your dishes taste just like they should.

Easy To Prepare

Our banku flour is a versatile and nutritious ingredient that can be used to make a variety of delicious dishes. It is easy to work with, even for beginner cooks. A traditional Ghanaian dish. To make banku, simply mix millet banku flour with water and let it ferment for 12-24 hours.

Healthy Alternative

Millet is a type of grain that is known for its nutritional benefits. It is a good source of protein, fiber, and vitamins, and minerals. Millet flour is made from ground millet seeds and is a healthy alternative to regular flour.

How to Use:

  • Enjoy it chilled or at room temperature. 
  • Drink it straight from the can or bottle.
  • Use it to make mixed drinks.
  • Use it in cooking and baking. 
  • Malta Beverage Drink is a great way to add flavor and nutrition to your smoothies.


Net Weight: 1kg/2.2lbs

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