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News / #African produce




Have you ever found yourself irresistibly drawn to a particular food, even when you're not particularly hungry? It’s like your brain has a mind of its own! You know how you get when you crave something so badly, right? You can’t stop thinking about it and you find every possible way to get it. Whether it's the sudden attraction to chocolates, the pull to salty snacks in the middle of the night, or the craving for a comforting bowl of ice cream, food cravings are a common phenomenon experienced by people worldwide and there’s just no end to having or satisfying them.



But it turns out that there’s a lot of science behind food cravings. Studies have shown that there are psychological, biological, and even hormonal factors at play, so let’s check out a few of these reasons.


The Brain's Role

The brain plays a central role in food cravings, with neurotransmitters acting as chemical messengers. Among these, dopamine stands out, particularly in the brain's reward and pleasure centers. When we consume foods rich in fat, sugar, or salt, dopamine levels surge, creating a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. Over time, repeated consumption of these foods can lead to the brain associating them with pleasure, potentially resulting in addiction-like behaviors driven by the pursuit of that pleasurable feeling.


The Influence of Hormones

Hormones are also largely responsible for the cravings for food. Ghrelin, known as the 'hunger hormone,' increases when our stomachs are empty, signaling the brain to eat. This can heighten cravings, particularly for calorie-rich foods providing quick energy. Additionally, changes in hormones like insulin and leptin further impact appetite and cravings."


Influences from the Environment and Society

Our social and environmental contexts also have a big influence on what foods we crave. The smell of freshly baked products, food packaging, and commercials are examples of food signals that can pique our appetite and cause cravings. Furthermore, societal norms and peer pressure might affect our dietary choices by making us demand particular meals in response to social cues or the need to blend in.


Psychological Factors are also another reason as cravings for specific foods can arise from stress, boredom, depression, or nostalgia, often serving as coping mechanisms to divert from unpleasant feelings, and they can be deeply rooted in social upbringing, cultural practices, or past experiences. Recognizing and understanding these psychological drivers allows for more mindful food choices and the development of healthier coping mechanisms.Top of Form

Finally, knowing the science driving food cravings highlights the complex ways that our bodies and minds relate to food. By accepting these urges as indicators rather than as flaws, we give ourselves the power to make better decisions and develop a positive relationship with food." 



So next time you feel the intense desire to indulge yourself in a particular food and snack item, you know the reason might not be so far-fetched!


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Do you ever find yourself throwing out perfectly good food because it went bad before you could use it? Yeah, you're not alone. And It's not just frustrating to see all that wasted food - it's also costly.



Now, if you want to avoid this scenario, you need to learn the secrets of maximizing freshness. With the right techniques, you can keep your food fresh for longer and save money in the process.

We’ve curated in this post, five expert tips to help you make the most of your fresh food purchases.


Tip 1: Use appropriate storage methods

The most common secret to extending the fresh produce's shelf life is using the right storage methods. To avoid spoiling and premature ripening, store fruits and vegetables apart. Fruits like apples and bananas release ethylene gas, which can speed up ripening, so store them in permeable bags or containers to maintain ideal humidity levels.


Tip 2: First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Method:

When organizing your refrigerator or pantry, a great strategy to adopt is the FIFO method. This simply means consuming the oldest items first to minimize waste. Place the newest grocery items at the back and bring the older ones forward. By following this practice, you'll ensure that nothing gets forgotten and left to spoil.





Tip 3: Continue to regulate the temperature optimally

Retaining the freshness of perishables requires keeping your freezer and refrigerator at the proper temperature. Maintain a temperature of 40°F (4°C) or lower in your refrigerator and 0°F (-18°C) in your freezer to inhibit the growth of bacteria and enzymatic processes that lead to food degradation. Arrange your refrigerator so that there is adequate airflow and consistent cooling throughout.


Tip 4: Master Proper Handling and Preparation

Handle your fresh produce with care to minimize bruising and damage, which can hasten spoilage. Wash fruits and vegetables before storing them to remove dirt and bacteria, and ensure they're completely dry before refrigerating. Additionally, practice proper food handling techniques to prevent cross-contamination between raw and cooked foods, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses.


Tip 5: Effective Meal Planning

Preparing your meals in advance lowers the likelihood that fresh food will go bad. You might want to try some techniques like doing an inventory of the fresh ingredients you already have before heading to the grocery shop. This keeps you from making pointless purchases and guarantees that you finish products before they go bad.
Also, making bigger quantities of food and storing individual servings in the freezer for later use. Asides from preventing food waste, this offers simple and practical solutions for hectic days.

With these expert tips at your disposal, you're well on your way to getting better at keeping your groceries fresh and delicious. Don't forget to visit Motherland Grocery Store's online website to explore our wide selection of fresh food produce and other quality products. Start shopping now and experience the difference freshness makes!



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Have you ever stopped to think about just how much time you spend at the grocery store each week despite your busy scheduling? And we bet it’s not just the time you spend at the store, it’s also the time you spend mentally or physically making a list, going over your pantry and then driving to and from the store.


Truth is, whether you're a seasoned shopper or new to the game, having a well-planned grocery list can make all the difference in saving both time and money during your shopping trips. So, in this post, we’ll be sharing tips on how you can create a grocery list that makes shopping easier and much more efficient.


Tip 1: Assess Your Needs

Consider your necessities at home for a bit before heading to the stores. You can avoid buying things you already own by doing a fast inventory of your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. Making a meal plan for the coming week also helps you determine exactly what items you'll need, which lowers the chance that you'll overpay on impulsive purchases.


Tip 2: Set a Budget

To shop for groceries efficiently, you must first create a budget. Establish a sensible spending cap based on your available funds and adhere to it. Maintaining a long-term record of your spending can also give you important insights into where your money is going and potential areas for savings.


Tip 3: Put Your List in Order

Sort your grocery list into categories that match to the store's layout to improve efficiency. Produce, dairy, meat, pantry basics, and home goods may all have their own areas. You'll spend more time crossing things off your list and less time going back through the store if you put related products together.


Tip 4: Take Note of Sales and Discounts 

To get more value out of your shopping budget, keep an eye out for deals and discounts. For weekly specials, check store flyers and websites, and clip coupons for products you frequently buy. Purchasing non-perishable goods in large quantities can also save a lot of money over time, so take advantage of sales and stock up on necessities.


Tip 5: Stick To Your List

Adhering to your shopping list is crucial when it comes to food shopping. You may save money and avoid food waste by avoiding impulsive purchases. Refrain from straying from your planned needs and avoid the need to buy extraneous things.

Tip 6: Take Stock and Modify

Spend a moment reviewing your purchases following each shopping trip to see how well you adhered to your list and budget. Determine any areas where you could have overspent or where you could have made wiser decisions. Don’t forget to make use of this knowledge to improve the way you create grocery lists for upcoming trips.


Finally, it’s imperative to consider shopping online as it offers a convenient alternative to traditional in-store shopping, allowing you to save time, access a wide variety of products, and shop from the comfort of your home.

By considering factors such as convenience, accessibility, price comparison, subscription services, delivery options, freshness guarantee, customer reviews, and fees, you can make informed decisions that optimize your online shopping experience and we at Motherland Groceries Store are just the right fit for you!


Explore our online store today and enjoy hassle-free shopping from the comfort of your home.

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Discovering the Richness of African Produce: Unveiling the Cream of Rice - Motherland Groceries

Discovering the Richness of African Produce: Unveiling the Cream of Rice

Africa, a continent blessed with diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and a wealth of natural resources, is also home to a vibrant culinary heritage. Within this culinary tapestry lie a myriad of indigenous ingredients, each boasting unique flavors, textures, and nutritional benefits.

In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore one such African product—cream of rice. Join us as we delve into the origins, culinary uses, health benefits, and incredible versatility of this remarkable grain.

Origins and Significance of Cream of Rice

Cream of Rice, also known as rice flour or rice meal, has a rich history deeply rooted in African cuisine. This fine powder is derived from milling rice grains, resulting in a smooth and velvety texture that adds a touch of indulgence to a wide range of dishes. 

For centuries, Cream of Rice has played a vital role in traditional African cooking, offering nourishment, taste, and cultural significance to communities across the continent.


Culinary Uses of Cream of Rice

Porridges and Breakfast Dishes: 

Cream of Rice forms the basis of delicious breakfast porridges in many African countries. Known by various names such as "pap," "ogi," or "bota," these porridges are often enjoyed with a variety of accompaniments like milk, sugar, honey, fruits, or nuts. They provide a comforting and energizing start to the day, particularly during the colder months.

Breads, Dumplings, and Pastries: 

Cream of Rice is a versatile ingredient that lends itself to a range of baked goods. It can be incorporated into bread recipes, adding a subtle sweetness and enhancing the overall texture. Moreover, it can be used to make dumplings, pancakes, fritters, and pastries, contributing to their softness and delicate flavor.

Thickening Agent and Gluten-Free Alternative: 

In African cuisine, Cream of Rice serves as an excellent thickening agent for soups, stews, and sauces, imparting a smooth consistency and enhancing the flavors. Additionally, it acts as a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour, making it suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities or those following a gluten-free diet.

Nutritional Benefits of Cream of Rice

Cream of Rice is a nutrient-dense ingredient that offers several health benefits:

  • Carbohydrates: It is a good source of energy due to its high carbohydrate content.
  • Protein: While not as protein-rich as other grains, Cream of Rice still contributes to the overall protein intake.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: It contains essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, and B vitamins, supporting various bodily functions.
  • Easily Digestible: Cream of Rice is gentle on the digestive system, making it suitable for people with sensitive stomachs or those recovering from illnesses.

Cultural Significance and Variations

Cream of Rice holds cultural significance in many African communities. It represents tradition, heritage, and the shared experience of breaking bread together. Throughout Africa, you will find unique regional variations of dishes featuring Cream of Rice, each with its own distinct preparation methods, flavors, and names. Exploring these variations allows us to appreciate the diversity and richness of African cuisine.


Cream of Rice, a cherished African produce, offers a glimpse into the culinary wonders of the continent. By embracing the Cream of Rice in our kitchens, we not only savor its delightful taste but also pay homage to the vibrant and diverse food traditions that have shaped Africa's gastronomic landscape.

So, go ahead and embark on your own culinary adventure with Cream of Rice, and let its warmth and richness fill your senses with every bite.

Click here to buy Cream of Rice from the Motherland Groceries website:

Remember, exploring the world of African produce is an ongoing journey, with endless discoveries awaiting those willing to taste, learn, and appreciate the flavors that connect us across continents and cultures.

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Everything You Need To Know About the Whole Milk - Motherland Groceries

Everything You Need To Know About the Whole Milk

Have you ever tried Peak dry milk, or are you planning to do so soon? Here is all the information you need to know about the product:

Peak Dry Whole Milk is a popular brand of powdered milk that is widely used for its convenience, versatility, and long shelf life. It is made by spray-drying fresh, high-quality whole milk to remove moisture and create a fine powder that can be reconstituted with water. 

Here's everything you need to know about Peak Dry Whole Milk:


Nutritional Value

Peak Dry Whole Milk is a good source of essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamins, and minerals. One cup of reconstituted Peak Dry Whole Milk (240 ml) provides approximately 120 calories, 8 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 8 grams of protein.

It also contains important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium, and potassium. The calcium content of Peak Dry Whole Milk is particularly noteworthy, as it provides around 30% of the recommended daily intake of this essential mineral in just one cup.


One of the biggest advantages of Peak Dry Whole Milk is its convenience. It can be stored at room temperature for extended periods of time without spoiling, making it ideal for use in emergency situations, camping trips, and other situations where refrigeration is not available. 

It is also lightweight and easy to transport, making it a popular choice for hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts.


Peak Dry Whole Milk can be used in a wide range of recipes, including baking, cooking, and making beverages. It can be reconstituted with water to create a creamy, smooth texture that is similar to fresh milk. 

It is also an excellent alternative to fresh milk for people who are lactose intolerant or have other dietary restrictions.

Long shelf life

Peak Dry Whole Milk has a long shelf life compared to fresh milk. It can be stored at room temperature for up to two years without spoiling, making it an ideal option for stockpiling in emergency situations or in places where fresh milk is not readily available. 

Once reconstituted, it should be consumed within a few days and stored in the refrigerator to prevent spoilage. 


Peak Dry Whole Milk comes in a variety of packaging sizes, ranging from small pouches to large cans. The packaging is designed to protect the milk powder from moisture and light, ensuring that it stays fresh for an extended period of time. It is important to store the milk powder in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent spoilage.


To reconstitute Peak Dry Whole Milk, simply add the desired amount of milk powder to water and mix well. The recommended ratio is one part milk powder to four parts water, but this can be adjusted based on personal preference. 

It is important to use cold water when reconstituting the milk powder to ensure it dissolves properly. Once mixed, the milk should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within a few days.


Peak Dry Whole Milk is widely available in supermarkets, grocery stores like Motherland Grocery, and online retailers. It is sold in a variety of packaging sizes and formats to meet the needs of different consumers. 

It is also available in different formulations, such as fat-free and low-fat, to accommodate different dietary preferences.



Peak Dry Whole Milk is easy to prepare and can be used in a variety of recipes. To prepare it, simply add the desired amount of milk powder to cold water and mix well. The recommended ratio is one part milk powder to four parts water, but this can be adjusted based on personal preference.

It is important to add the milk powder to the water, not the other way around, to ensure that the powder dissolves properly. 

Once mixed, the milk should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within a few days.


Peak Dry Whole Milk can be used in a variety of ways. It can be added to hot beverages such as tea and coffee or used as a replacement for fresh milk in baking and cooking.

It can also be used to make smoothies, milkshakes, and other drinks. Peak Dry Whole Milk is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes to add flavor and nutrition.

Peak Dry Whole Milk is a convenient and nutritious alternative to fresh milk. It is an ideal option for people who live in areas where fresh milk is not readily available or for those who want to stockpile milk for emergency situations. With its long shelf life, lightweight packaging, and ease of use, Peak Dry Whole Milk is a popular choice for hikers, campers, and other outdoor enthusiasts. 

Whether you use it for baking, cooking, or making beverages, Peak Dry Whole Milk is a great option for anyone who wants to enjoy the taste and nutrition of fresh milk without the need for refrigeration or frequent trips to the grocery store. Click to get Peak Dry Whole Milk delivered to your doorstep now.

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