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Have you ever stopped to think about just how much time you spend at the grocery store each week despite your busy scheduling? And we bet it’s not just the time you spend at the store, it’s also the time you spend mentally or physically making a list, going over your pantry and then driving to and from the store.


Truth is, whether you're a seasoned shopper or new to the game, having a well-planned grocery list can make all the difference in saving both time and money during your shopping trips. So, in this post, we’ll be sharing tips on how you can create a grocery list that makes shopping easier and much more efficient.


Tip 1: Assess Your Needs

Consider your necessities at home for a bit before heading to the stores. You can avoid buying things you already own by doing a fast inventory of your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. Making a meal plan for the coming week also helps you determine exactly what items you'll need, which lowers the chance that you'll overpay on impulsive purchases.


Tip 2: Set a Budget

To shop for groceries efficiently, you must first create a budget. Establish a sensible spending cap based on your available funds and adhere to it. Maintaining a long-term record of your spending can also give you important insights into where your money is going and potential areas for savings.


Tip 3: Put Your List in Order

Sort your grocery list into categories that match to the store's layout to improve efficiency. Produce, dairy, meat, pantry basics, and home goods may all have their own areas. You'll spend more time crossing things off your list and less time going back through the store if you put related products together.


Tip 4: Take Note of Sales and Discounts 

To get more value out of your shopping budget, keep an eye out for deals and discounts. For weekly specials, check store flyers and websites, and clip coupons for products you frequently buy. Purchasing non-perishable goods in large quantities can also save a lot of money over time, so take advantage of sales and stock up on necessities.


Tip 5: Stick To Your List

Adhering to your shopping list is crucial when it comes to food shopping. You may save money and avoid food waste by avoiding impulsive purchases. Refrain from straying from your planned needs and avoid the need to buy extraneous things.

Tip 6: Take Stock and Modify

Spend a moment reviewing your purchases following each shopping trip to see how well you adhered to your list and budget. Determine any areas where you could have overspent or where you could have made wiser decisions. Don’t forget to make use of this knowledge to improve the way you create grocery lists for upcoming trips.


Finally, it’s imperative to consider shopping online as it offers a convenient alternative to traditional in-store shopping, allowing you to save time, access a wide variety of products, and shop from the comfort of your home.

By considering factors such as convenience, accessibility, price comparison, subscription services, delivery options, freshness guarantee, customer reviews, and fees, you can make informed decisions that optimize your online shopping experience and we at Motherland Groceries Store are just the right fit for you!


Explore our online store today and enjoy hassle-free shopping from the comfort of your home.

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Everything You Need to Know About the Bird's Custard Powder - Motherland Groceries

Everything You Need to Know About the Bird's Custard Powder

Bird's custard powder is a popular and versatile ingredient used in many recipes. It is a brand of custard powder that was first introduced in 1837 by Alfred Bird, a chemist from Birmingham, England. The powder is used to make a thick, creamy custard that can be used in a variety of desserts and dishes. 

What is Bird's Custard Powder?

Bird's Custard Powder is a blend of cornflour, salt, and flavorings that is used to make a thick and creamy custard. The powder is mixed with milk and sugar to make a custard sauce that can be used as a topping for desserts such as pies, cakes, and trifles. 

The powder was created by Alfred Bird as a solution for his wife, who was allergic to eggs, which are a key ingredient in traditional custard.


How to use Bird's Custard Powder

Using Bird's Custard Powder is simple and easy. To make custard sauce, mix two tablespoons of the powder with two tablespoons of sugar in a saucepan. Add 568ml (1 pint) of milk and stir until the powder is dissolved. 

Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens to a creamy consistency. The custard can then be served hot or cold.


Bird's Custard powder can also be used to make a variety of other dishes, such as custard tarts, trifles, and ice cream. It can also be used as a thickener for sauces and gravies.


What are the ingredients in Bird's Custard Powder?


The main ingredients in Bird's Custard powder are cornflour, salt, and flavorings. The flavorings include vanilla, which gives the custard its distinctive taste.


Is Bird's Custard Powder vegan?


Yes, Bird's Custard powder is vegan-friendly as it does not contain any animal products. It is a great alternative for people who cannot or choose not to eat eggs.


What are the nutritional values of Bird's Custard Powder?


One serving of Bird's Custard powder (25g) contains approximately 94 calories, 0.3 g of fat, 21 g of carbohydrates, and 0.5 g of protein. The powder is also low in cholesterol and sodium.


Where can you buy Bird's Custard Powder?


The Bird's Custard powder is readily available on the Motherland grocery website. Click to buy. It is also sold in some specialty food stores and international markets.




Bird's custard powder is a versatile and popular ingredient that has been used in desserts and dishes for over a century. 

It is easy to use and is a great alternative for people who cannot or choose not to eat eggs. Whether you're making a classic custard sauce or experimenting with new recipes, Bird's Custard powder is a must-have in any kitchen.

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